
4520 Weaver Parkway
Warrenville, IL 60555

About Phonak

Sonova USA Inc's success to date can be attributed to how we have built upon our group companies already high level of hearing technology expertise, and combined this with our ongoing independent research and product development to create a full range of wireless communication and hearing protection systems that meet the needs of our customers, whatever their field of operation.

Phonak Communications’ systems range from dynamic hearing protection devices through to prompting earpieces, radio headsets and full covert communications systems. These solutions offer market-leading sound performance, optimum wearer comfort and the highest design quality, and have been successfully deployed across a wide range of vertical markets. The Serenity custom hearing protection can be objectively fit verified with Safety Meter. Serenity the most comfortable, longest lasting, and most innovative communication interface on the market with a proven track record of results.

Competitors of Phonak


3M operates in the fields of industry, worker safety, health care, and consumer goods. 3M produces adhesives, abrasives, laminates, passive fire protection, personal protective equipment, window films, paint protection films, dental and orthodontic products, electrical & electronic connecting... Read More

ProTech is the developer of the NoiseBuster Active Noise Reduction (ANR) Earmuff, the only industrial hearing protector that combines a high-performance passive earmuff with active noise reduction technology to deliver maximum performance. If you work around engines, blowers, motors,... Read More