
Available from American Fabric Filter Co.
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We'd like you to believe that our custom fabric filters will solve all the world's dust problems, .but there are some pieces of equipment designed to only use a cartridge filter. A pleated media provides a very large filter surface area within a compact package.

The advantage is that a filter doesn't take up much volume in the workspace. Commercial air intakes and vents work well with this type of filter. Working with many custom and off-the-shelf suppliers, we can easily cross-reference virtually any product or modify a design to solve specific problems. Please use our printable PDF Spec Sheet to note your filter's construction style, critical dimensions, gaskets, rings, etc. and we'll take it from there.

The cartridge's disadvantage is that large amounts of (wood, flour, etc.) dust can quickly fill in the pleats and essentially block all airflow. Small wood shop collectors that collect dust inside the cartridge are a case in point. High replacement costs and tedious maintenance regimens have led more than one user to modify their collector to use our filter bags. We'd be glad to help you make the comparison.

Call, fax or e-mail us for a no-obligation evaluation of your equipment's performance and a free quote.

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