Kaeser is one of the largest providers of compressed air systems and compressed air consulting services, with over 7000 employees worldwide. Our goal is to provide exceptional customer service coupled with innovative products and progressive system solutions. Our engineers continue to refine... Read More
Since our inception in 1983, Grizzly Industrial Inc. has grown into one of the largest machinery companies in the United States. Our products can be found in all sizes of shops from the large industrial production users to the smaller cabinet and machine shops. We have the widest product... Read More
All KTM dust collectors are made from 12 ga., 14 ga. HRS, and 16 ga. CRS. Filter bag houses are made from welded construction, sprinkler head(s) are provided in all bag houses. Explosion relief doors are available. Dust collector stands are welded with some field bolting. Our normal finish is... Read More
American Fabric Filter Co. manufactures a nearly unlimited range of fabric products such as optimized air filtration/dust containment bags and sleeves in any shape and size. We customize products with inlets, outlets, flanges, support hardware, windows and other options located and sized... Read more »
An efficient and clean way to handle collected dust for many shops is to use plastic bags. We have the two most common sized bags made for us from a high density poly-resin. A double sealed straight bottom provides maximum reliability. Available in rolls of 50 bags, or individually for hobbyists... Read more »
We'd like you to believe that our custom fabric filters will solve all the world's dust problems, .but there are some pieces of equipment designed to only use a cartridge filter. A pleated media provides a very large filter surface area within a compact package. The advantage is that a filter... Read more »